The paragraph should read: "If you group objects and apply transparency, the whole group is treated as one object and the entire group is made transparent. The opening paragraph has gramatical problems that may make it hard to understand. applying transparency to several objects. how noticeable the individual pixels are". how noticeable are the individual pixels" should read ". You cannot select characters with the Text tool and convert them to editable shapes.

In step 1, where you are told to select the text, you should do so using the Selector tool. The text in this section is somewhat ambiguous. "The produce a multi-stage blend just blend from the fist to the second." should read "To produce a multi-stage blend just blend from the first to the second.". "Your can create." should read "You can create.". Where the manual describes applying enveloping, step 3 has the wrong image (perspective options are shown instead of envelope options). To create the fan effect shown at the bottom of the page you will need to click the bottom left button of the 3x3 transformation center control, not the bottom right button as described. The full stop is better known as a period period key in US English. "If you contact Xara support with, you may be asked for this information" should read "If you contact Xara support, you may be asked for this information." Errata-printed manual (grammatical error).